Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Start Writing a Book 7 Best Practices to Become an Author Fast

Start Writing a Book 7 Best Practices to Become an Author Fast Start Writing a Book: 7 Best Practices to Become an Author Fast Writing a book is intimidating.When youre not sure how to start writing a book, it can paralyze you. But we have the best top steps to start writing a book today so you can become an author!Beginning the process of writing a book and presenting it to a worldwide audience is very exciting but also a little scary espeically if you mess it up and end up making a fool of yourself.Its a fear we all have, trust me.You have amazing book ideas that you want to share with the world, and you’re more motivated than ever to educate your readers about them!Here are the steps for how to start writing a book well cover:Set up your writing environmentDevelop a writing habitCreate a book outline to start writingFocus on writing your book ONLYMaintain your focusSchedule book writing timeDeal with writing distractionsStart writing your book!Once you begin, you may realize that writing a book is hard work. There are many obstacles that can prevent you from writing and can create stress leading t o anxiety. For example, you may find yourself in front of a blank page unable to type and thinking of stressful questions like:â€Å"How do I even start writing a book?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do I need to blog first?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Should I start without an outline†?Writing a book shouldnt be this hard!But many get overwhelmed because they lack a writing process.Start Writing a Book for Success with FREE TrainingIf you want to skip right ahead to what willreally help you start writing, then youll want to check out this free training we put together for you.With your FREE training, we can help you understand HOW to start a book and self-publish it so the maximum number of people can enjoy it.Just click the button below to TAKE ACTION on your dream and lets do this together.Click here to save your spotHow to Start Writing a BookStep-by-StepIf you’re feeling demotivated when it comes to starting your book, you’re not alone. Writing can still be one of the hardest parts for mos t authors even if they havebeenwritingfor a long time!Fortunately, there are some extremely effective techniques for how to start writing a book and overcoming these hurdles.Well cover what you can put into action to assure you show up with a game plan to get your thoughts out of your head, down on paper, and into the minds of your readers.Ready to start your journey to becoming a bestselling author? Lets go!How to Start Writing a Book for BeginnersBelieve it or not, writing a book isnt as difficult as its made to seem. At least, getting started isnt.We have a complete guide that will cover best practices to start writing a book asap even today if you sit down and put your pen to paper, so to speak.#1 Set Up Your Book Writing EnvironmentOne of the most importantthings to remember if you want to start writing a book is designing an environment that allows your creativity to flourish unhindered.Create an environment that is designed to help you stay focused.Whether you prefer noisy environments or absolute solitude, it’s up to you to determine  which will get you into the writer’s flow.What you want to avoid is a super messy environment, even if you think you work well in those types of spaces (like the one featured below).If anything can distract you from writing, its not worth it.Here are a few ideas to create your ideal space for writing:Have collections of inspiration.Decorate your work area with inspiring quotes or pictures that house references to deep work.Unclutter your space.Create an uncluttered open space to help organize not only what you need, but also your thoughts.Be Flexible.Your creative space doesn’t need to be one spot, it can be anywhere. Even your favorite authorshave discovered their best ideasin the most unexpected places.Buy a calendar:Your book will get written faster if you have set goals for the week/day. The best way to manage this is by scheduling your time on a calendar. Schedule every hour that you commit t o your author business. What gets scheduled, gets done.Create a music playlist for inspiration:Many authors can write to the sound of their favorite tunes. Is there anything that gets you working faster? Do you write better with deeper focus when listening to rock music or classical? Set up several playlists that you can use to get into the flow of writing.Try Multiple Locations.You wont know how creative you can be if you dont try different spots to write. Maybe writing from your bed is your ideal creative space. What about working in a noisy cafe? Change up your location frequently particularly if you feel creatively spent.Here are some more tips for starting your book and putting together your writing environment:How to Start Writing TipExecutionMinimize Distractions- isolate yourself from family/friends/even the family dog - remind everyone it's YOUR time - Turn your phone off - Close ALL web browsers - Close your emailGet Comfortable- invest in a GOOD chair - or resort to using a stand-up desk for more energy - fill the area with motivational quotes - make sure you're physically comfortable for the next 30 minutes or an hourChoose Beneficial Background Noise- turn off all sounds if it distracts you - turn on lyric-less music to help you concentrate - choose energizing music to help you focus#2 Develop a Writing HabitThe number one reason authors fail to publish a book is because they never finish the book they intend to publish. Why?Because they didn’t form a good writing habit.Feeling overwhelmed when writing a book is natural, but you must remember that this  journey always begins with the first page. And in order to write your first page, you must take action.For example, schedule your writing time daily so that you can stick to a solid writing routine that will allow you to make real progress.This is why having a writing habit will develop your writer’s flow.Your writing habitcan start small. Don’t overwhelm yourself thinking t hat you must write your every thought on the page. You can start with a few paragraphs, a sentence, or even just a word.The purpose of this exercise is to commit to your writing session every day until it has become second nature. #3 Create an OutlineA clear book outline provides clarity and direction to your story. It is also the roadmap for your book that keeps you on track and ensures you have all your ideas organized in a natural flow. And thats not even to mention that it helps you write a lot faster, too.There are many types of outlines you can use here.We highly recommend starting with the mindmap outline and then moving to the sticky note method, as our students find it the most helpful.When you get stuck or suffer writers block, you can always go back to your outline to find what comes next regardless of whether the book is 100 pages or 300 pages long. It will help you see the overall picture.If youre not sure how to outline a book, weve got a handy video right here for yo u to learn: Before you write, spend some time creating your outlinewith these steps:Brainstorm:  List every thought and story idea you want in your book by creating a mind map.Organize:  Combine all related ideas together.Order:  Arrange ideas into subsections from general to specific.Label:  Create main and subheadings that will eventually be your chapters. Action Step: Spend a good portion of your time constructing an outline. If you want more on creating it, be sure to check out our guide.#4 Work on ONLY WritingOne challenge many authors experience is taking on multiple new projects when they should be focused  on one because their minds are full of amazing book ideas.Although enticing, the division of attention can spread your energy thin producing bad writing or worse, failure to complete your book.But dont worry. Weve all experienced shiny new book idea syndrome before!There’s only one clear solution to this problem: Cut the clutter and focus on one project u ntil it’s finished.Be fully committed to starting your book by doing the following:Create an action plan that breaks down the entire project into realistic portions to complete.Set hard deadlines for each and every phase of your book.Learn to say â€Å"NO† to any additional projects no matter how intriguing they appear. Action Step:Create an action plan and commit to it. Learn to be selfish and practice saying NO often. Its better to complete one book and get it right than to write two books with poor results.#5 Maintain Your FocusOnce you get into the flow of starting your book, you want to remain focused through the duration of your writing session. Any break to your concentration can set you back 20-30 minutes and disrupt your flow.We become less efficient when we are distracted, and it can end up taking twice as long to complete our writing.Thankfully, there are very effective techniques that can help you remain centered andin the moment.Leave the distractions beh ind by doing the following:Create a writing schedule.   Schedule your writing for the same time each day. This conditioning will develop your writing habit until it becomes as natural as knowing when to brush your teeth.Use the Pomodoro Technique.  This is a time management strategy that breaks down work into intervals separated by short breaks. With a clock ticking, you will less likely be distracted by email or social media.Turn off your phone. Your phone is the most addicting device that steals your precious attention. Don’t let it take that from you, turn it off. If you dont want to turn it off, then download a writing software or app that limits distractions.Have a Task Management app.  Task Manager apps, like Todoist,  helps you organize your tasks by their time and priority, so you know exactly what to do in what order the next day.Disconnect from the Internet. Want to ensure you dont get distracted by email notifications, Facebook notifications, etc.? Disconne ct your computer from the Internet and enjoy distraction-free writing time. Action Step:Experiment with each of these productivity techniques and optimize your writer’s flow. By becoming a productivity expert, you will easily double your output and complete your book in no time.#6 Schedule Your Writing TimeJerry Seinfeld is one of the most popular comedians of all time, and he attributes his success to his unbelievably strong writing habits. In the early days of his career, Seinfeld was asked how he managed to have such great content.He said, â€Å"The way to be a better comic is to create better jokes, and the way to create better jokes was to write every day.†Seinfeld used the â€Å"Calendar Method†, otherwise known as the â€Å"Don’t Break the Chain† method, and it worked like this:Get yourself a calendar, and hang it on the wall.For each day you write, draw an X on the calendar for that day. By the end of the week, you should have a row of Xs at the end.If you miss a day, start over and see how long you can go before breaking the chain.If you can keep this chain going, you will write your book faster than you can imagine. Action Step:Buy yourself a calendar and get started on the â€Å"Calendar Method! Being held accountable will keep you motivated and not â€Å"Break the Chain.#7 Deal With Writing DistractionsDistractions can hinder you and your deisre to start writing a book.Resistance is a common obstacle that has the ability to distract us for too long. Its a form of fear that intimidates you from writing and can throw you off your writer’s flow.Not only do you have the distractions of everyday life, but if someone in your life has qualms with you spending time to write, it can be extra difficult to concentrate and just write.Everyone has encountered this awful feeling, but it doesn’t have to defeat you.Here are a few ways to deal with resistance:Read morning affirmations.Affirmations are powerful sn ippets of positive words that set the tone and atmosphere for writing. An affirmation could be a quote from a writer, a motivational speech from a public figure, or an inspirational video.Free Flow for 10 Minutes.Julia Cameron, the bestselling author of The Artist’s Way, called these morning pages, and its purpose is to clear your mind of all the anxiety and junk rolling around in your head onto a piece of paper. Write anything. You don’t have to edit, publish, or have a word count, it’s simply a 10-minute exercise to clear out heavy thoughts and prepare you for a more productive day.This is best done with pen and paper instead of typing into a document with your digital device.Exercise.Exercising is not only good for your healthbut will help keep you mentally sharp. Working out will increase the blood flow to the brain which will sharpen your awareness and give you the energy you need to tackle your book. Action Step:Create a resistance plan! Figure out which m ethods best filter out the negative noise and get you to prepared to write.Start Writing a Book TODAY!If you want to become a published author, you must take ownership of your writing habits. By following these seven strategies, you can have a completed book within months and be on your way to becoming a successful writer.But what can you do right now to ensure the success of the book youre going to start writing? Weve got them for you.#1 Join your free training!Thats right! We have free training thatsjust for you! Chandler Bolt will walk you through everything you need to go from blank page to published author in as little as 90 days.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Names of Professions and Jobs for English Learners

Names of Professions and Jobs for English Learners All English learners, no matter their age or background, should be familiar with the names for common jobs and professions. Knowing these will help you better communicate in a variety of situations, whether you are traveling, shopping, or simply having a conversation with a new friend. Examples of jobs and professions- and how to use each one in a sentence- appear below. Arts Design Professionals who work in the field of arts and design include architects, who design homes and other buildings; actors, who appear on stage, on TV, and in movies; and writers, who produce poetry, articles, and books. Examples of these professions appear in the following sentences: Actor - Famous actors make millions of dollars from their films.Architect - The architect drew up the blueprints for the building.Designer - Our designer will completely redo your store with a new look.  Editor - The editor of a newspaper must decide which articles to print.Musician - Its difficult to make a living as a musician playing an instrument.Painter - The painter creates beautiful pictures with his brush.Photographer - A photographer does their best to capture a special instant in time on film.Writer - The writer wrote a fantastic book about zombies. Business Business is a huge field that includes a diverse range of jobs, from accountants, who keep track of money, to managers, who direct business operations and employees. Positions range from entrys of these jobs appear in the following sentences: Accountant -  Accountants  keep track of how money is earned and spent.Clerk - Talk to the clerk about depositing a check.Company director - Our company director issued the yearly report.Manager - A manager takes care of the business arrangements for famous, and not so famous, artists and musicians.Salesperson - Salespersons are always nice, and theyre happy to help you with something youd like to buy. Education Research One of the most common education careers is teacher, someone who instructs students in a variety of different fields, from science to the arts. Other education careers are more research-driven. Economists, for example, study the economy, while scientists investigate a range of different topics.  Examples of these jobs appear in the following sentences: Economist - An economist studies how different economic systems function.Scientist - The scientist might work for years before coming up with the results of an experiment.Teacher - While often underpaid and overworked, teachers educate children that will one day be our future. Food One of the largest job fields is the food industry, which encompasses all the jobs involved in the production, preparation, and sale of food, from the farmers who plant and harvest vegetables to the wait staff who end up serving those vegetables in restaurants.  Examples of food-related jobs appear in the following sentences: Baker - I bought three loaves from the local baker.Butcher - Could you go to the butcher and get a few steaks?Chef - The chef prepared a marvelous four-course meal.Cook - The cook was responsible for simple meals such as hamburgers and bacon and eggs. Cooks are members of the  foodservice industry.Farmer - The farmer sold his vegetables at the local farmers market on Saturdays.Fisherman - The fishermen in this area have seen commercial salmon fishing decline over the years.Waitperson - Ask the waitperson for the menu, Im starving! Healthcare Healthcare is one of the most important industries and includes life-savers such as doctors and surgeons. It also includes nurses and caretakers, who are responsible for monitoring and assisting individuals with health conditions.  Examples of healthcare jobs appear in the following sentences: Caretaker - Its important that a caretaker be very empathetic with a family that has lost a loved one.Dentist - The dentist explained the root canal procedure to the patient at his  dental appointment.Doctor - Do you think I should see a doctor for this cold?Nurse - Nurses make sure patients needs are taken care of in hospitals.Optician - The optician checks your eyesight to see if you need glasses.Surgeon - Surgeons dont have any problem cutting someone open. Its their job!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Looking at Films Anew Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Looking at Films Anew - Essay Example This is seen in the fight between the couple, Lucius, and Cookie over the empire. It also portrays the common female concern of having a complete family so that the woman tries to forgive her husband despite his many atrocities toward her. As a long-playing drama, the film also deals with the issue of the use of the female as a material not only in the movie but in real life situations. For instance, in trying to get back to Lucius, his son, Hakeem develops a sexual relationship with his father’s former fiancà ©e, Anika. In this scene, Lucius finds Hakeem and Anika in an intimate situation. Knowing that Lucius was there, looking at them, Anika pulls Hakeem who slowly turns his face from his father to Anika’s breasts. The scenes are shown in close-up shots, capturing the facial expressions of the characters and also letting the viewers focus on the sexual implications of the scenes. The aforementioned scenes bring Laura Mulvey’s theory of the Male Gaze to mind. T he close-up shot on Anika does keep the male viewer’s focus on her as a sexual material and not just concentrate on what was going on in the story. The series also covers the issue of sexuality through the person of Jamal. Even during these days, homosexuality is still strongly opposed by many people regardless of race. Lucius was not happy about his son’s sexuality and this affected his treatment toward his son. Because of his health issues, the older man is forced to choose the next manager of his empire from his three sons.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Transformational shift in the 'new competitive advantage' Essay

Transformational shift in the 'new competitive advantage' - Essay Example The result is human resource management considerations that are now using new strategies and approaches to add value into the internal organization while moving ahead of the competition with the main changes. According to the Workplace Employment Relations Survey conducted in the UK in 2004 there are several benchmarks which have been established among businesses that are leading to transformational shifts. Through this survey, it was found that employment relations where determined first by the policies that were a part of the foundation of the organization in over 85% of the organizations surveyed. This particular aspect was directly related to the decision to hire an individual with an average of 19% using personality tests for the hiring process, 46% using performance tests and 78% using off the job training. The work dynamics were also determined by the team work which was created after one was hired. 72% of businesses had designated teams for individuals, 66% had flexible teams , 21% had non – managerial employees and 48% used core employees to create and work with teams. Within this, were attitudes toward the union in which 84% were in favor of unions, 17% were neutral and 4% were against unions. However, it was also noted that the mutual trust between managers and employee representatives was higher with non – union representatives, averaging at 64%, while union members held a response with trust by 31%. If difficulties arose, 95% of employees felt the right to appeal with 83% contacting a manager for the appeal. Within this, the perception of management by employees had an average response of 41% believing it was good, 19% believing it was very good, and 4% believing it was very poor with others remaining neutral (Kersley et al, 2004:1-6). This report shows that the shift is one which, while retaining employment with unions, is now more dependent on the structures of management, responses and the amount of trust which is in place with work dynamics. The large number which had trust to work with non – union members as well as employees believing they had the right to complain being with a positive response, combined with the variety of internal structures show that the concept of management, policies within the office and ability to resolve conflict is now dependent on the internal organization. According to another survey (Machin, Wood, 2004), the concept of unions is one which is believed to have a direct relationship to Human Resource Management. The HRM has now become a direct way in which individuals can express rights with their employment while having a type of mediation and protection. The HRM practices then became more important than other aspects with the employee relations. However, it was noted that this was dependent on communication channels, levels of trust that were in the environment and the organizational policies attributed to the situation. If situations that were internalized contained more politics or less trust, then employees would not consider the HRM as a way of resolving conflict or working within teams and with managers (Machin, Wood, 2004: 2). Both surveys indicate that the knowledge of personnel practices in the UK have a shift in how companies and managers approach the work place. The approach which is now being focused on is based on using more strategic practices within the internal

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay Example for Free

Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay Aim The aim of this experiment is to show that a reaction doesnt have always 100% yield by reacting NaHCO3 and HCl and determining the amount of the products to calculate actual yield. Introduction A chemical reaction will be quantitative if one of the reactants is completely consumed. In this experiment sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid start a reaction. The formula of this reaction is below. NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + H2O + CO2 Observations In this experiment, sodium bicarbonate is put in an evaporating dish and some amount of HCl is added in the dish and the reaction started. Bubbles are formed and CO2 gas is produced and the reaction started to make sound. There was also water vapor formed. White NaHCO3 started to turn into a colorless liquid after adding HCl. As the reaction takes place water is started to form. NaCl was dissolved in water, so salty water is heated to obtain NaCl. As the liquid is heated it turned into a yellowish color for a few seconds. Then it started bubbling and water vapor is formed. Raw Data: Trial # Mass of Dish+NaHCO3+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Water+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) 1 64.14 g. 72.16 g. 63.28 g. 2 65.14 g. 72.95 g. 63.91g. Mass of Evaporating Dish + Lid: 62.14 +-0.1 g Processed Data: Trial #1 64.14 62.14 = 2 g NaHCO3 72.16 62.14 = 10.02 g NaCl + H2O 63.28 62.14 = 1.14 g NaCl Trial # 2 65.14 62.14 = 3 g NaHCO3 72.95 62.14 = 10.81 g NaCl + H2O 63.91 62.14 = 2.07 g NaCl Trial # Mass of NaHCO3 (g) Mass of NaCl + H2O (g) Mass of NaCl (g) 1 2 g 10.02 g 1.14 g 2 3 g 10.81 g 1.77g Calculations Na: 14.01 g/mol, H: 1.01 g/mol, Cl: 35.45 g/mol, O: 16 g/mol, C: 12.01 g/mol NaCl= 49.46 g/mol H2O= 18.02 g/mol NaHCO3: 75.03 g/mol Mole number of NaHCO3 = mole number of NaCl Trial #1 2 / 73.03 = 0.0274 mol NaHCO3 1.14 / 49.46 = 0.0230 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0274 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0230 / 0.0274 = 0.8394 x 100 = 83.94% Trial #2 3 / 73.03 = 0.0411 mol NaHCO3 1.77 / 49.46 = 0.0358 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0411 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0358 / 0.0411 = 0.8710 x 100 = 87.10% Conclusion The results are 83.94% for trial #1 and 87.10% for trial #2. Trial #2 is more accurate. The accepted value is 100%. The percentage errors are 16.06% for trial #1 and 12.90% for trial #2. The uncertainties are too small to calculate on the results. Random errors presented in this experiment. All the errors were done by human beings. There werent any errors due to a flaw of a machine or the procedure. Evaluation When salty water is heated on the first trial, the substance started to spill around, because the substance is heated with high amount of heat and faster than it should be. As a result, some of the NaCl which stuck on the lid and spilled around was lost, so the result of the first experiment is not accurate. Other reasons that changed the results may be all NaHCO3 may not be dissolved. Too much HCl may be added on the dish. There may be still water molecules left on the salt after heating. To get more accurate results, the experiment should be done more slowly than this experiment. Especially the heating process should be done slowly, so the evaporation can be observed more carefully.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Young Biz :: Free Essay Writer

Young Biz Youre young and ambitious, with a great idea for a new software program, downtown music zine, or a better-than-Snapple beverage--but how do you turn your dream concept into a thriving business?Forget the ultra-conservative suits who scoffed when you brought your hot idea to their door! As Fortune magazines Ron Lieber shows, you can actually turn your youth, inexperience, and lack of money to your advantage and capitalize on your assets to trump the corporate system, be your own boss, and turn your entrepreneurial vision into a reality.Based on interviews with more than thirty young, independent entrepreneurs who have developed some of todays hottest--even revolutionary--companies and products, Upstart Start-Ups! provides essential tips and information that will enable you to get your own Nantucket Nectars or Magnetic Poetry off the ground. Check out:The myths and realities you need to know about starting a business when you're under 30How to generate your first "brainstorm" and how t o act on a good ideaHow to overcome the stigmas of youth and inexperience and make your age work to your advantageHow to develop a realistic business planWhere and how to get the financial backing you needHow to establish credibility for your business or product with consumersModels that have proved successful, and how to apply them to your own visionTwenty-six-year-old Ron Lieber writes for Fortune magazine and is the coauthor of the New York Times business bestseller Taking Time Off. He appears regularly on national television and radio to discuss career issues, corporate management, and his recent columns. Publishers Weekly: Fortune writer Lieber (who's 26) gears this chatty guide to people under age 35 who don't have rich parents to help them get started. He distills the hard-won insights of 34 young entrepreneurs who launched successful start-ups an online personal-finance forum, an art gallery, a wine distributorship, a funky Mexican restaurant, a chain of airport-based music stores, among others and kept them going. Their firsthand experience is the core of the book, which follows the approach of Lieber's Taking Time Off, which advised college students by example in how to carefully tune in and temporarily drop out. While this is not a comprehensive, detailed handbook, the savvy tips of Lieber's interviewees acquaint tyros conceptually with a variety of standard business practices. They offer such basics as "Do What You Know," as one acne-prone woman now runs a thriving skin-care spa notes, to do-it-yourself market research, like that of a swimwear designer who apprenticed in retail to find out what women really wanted. Young Biz :: Free Essay Writer Young Biz Youre young and ambitious, with a great idea for a new software program, downtown music zine, or a better-than-Snapple beverage--but how do you turn your dream concept into a thriving business?Forget the ultra-conservative suits who scoffed when you brought your hot idea to their door! As Fortune magazines Ron Lieber shows, you can actually turn your youth, inexperience, and lack of money to your advantage and capitalize on your assets to trump the corporate system, be your own boss, and turn your entrepreneurial vision into a reality.Based on interviews with more than thirty young, independent entrepreneurs who have developed some of todays hottest--even revolutionary--companies and products, Upstart Start-Ups! provides essential tips and information that will enable you to get your own Nantucket Nectars or Magnetic Poetry off the ground. Check out:The myths and realities you need to know about starting a business when you're under 30How to generate your first "brainstorm" and how t o act on a good ideaHow to overcome the stigmas of youth and inexperience and make your age work to your advantageHow to develop a realistic business planWhere and how to get the financial backing you needHow to establish credibility for your business or product with consumersModels that have proved successful, and how to apply them to your own visionTwenty-six-year-old Ron Lieber writes for Fortune magazine and is the coauthor of the New York Times business bestseller Taking Time Off. He appears regularly on national television and radio to discuss career issues, corporate management, and his recent columns. Publishers Weekly: Fortune writer Lieber (who's 26) gears this chatty guide to people under age 35 who don't have rich parents to help them get started. He distills the hard-won insights of 34 young entrepreneurs who launched successful start-ups an online personal-finance forum, an art gallery, a wine distributorship, a funky Mexican restaurant, a chain of airport-based music stores, among others and kept them going. Their firsthand experience is the core of the book, which follows the approach of Lieber's Taking Time Off, which advised college students by example in how to carefully tune in and temporarily drop out. While this is not a comprehensive, detailed handbook, the savvy tips of Lieber's interviewees acquaint tyros conceptually with a variety of standard business practices. They offer such basics as "Do What You Know," as one acne-prone woman now runs a thriving skin-care spa notes, to do-it-yourself market research, like that of a swimwear designer who apprenticed in retail to find out what women really wanted.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Kate Chopin and Feminism

The name Kate Chopin is synonymous with feminism.   For generations she has caused women to about their situations in life and caused men to fear her because she made women analyze.   She started writing after she was widowed and left with a plantation and children to rear while living in a male society.   Instead of remarrying just to save the plantation, she chose to stay single and move from Louisiana with her children to her hometown in Missouri.   Her physician advised her to write to overcome her depression.Little did anyone know that this advice would lead to the writing career of one of the foremost American female writers.   From the beginning, men saw her stories and novels as threatening.   It wasn’t until after her death that she was recognized for the talented writer that she really was.   The reason the men of her generation was her feminist themes.   Two examples where this strong theme is evident are â€Å"The Storm† and The Awakening.Cho pin’s story â€Å"The Storm† is, as the title suggest, about sexual tensions of a repressive waera.   It was considered scandalous for a female from the privileged class to even entertain the thought of sexual tension during the Victorian Era, and especially to write about it.   The storm deals with two people, Alcee and Calixta, who were in love during their youth.   They go on to marry others that society says are right for them.They feel trapped by the rules of society and still desire each other.   The reader is introduced to Calixta at their home, sewing and doing other household chores, â€Å"unaware that the storm is coming.† This suggests to Wilson that â€Å"her sexuality is repressed by the constraints of her marriage and society’s view of women, represented in this passage by the housework.† Airing out on the porch are her husband’s Sunday clothes, which Wilson says â€Å"allude to society in the form of the church.†Ã‚   The story continues with other illustrations using the storm until, finally, after Alcee and Calixta’s sexual encounter, the storm finally begins to pass and everything in the world seems renewed and fresh. (Wilson 2)In The Awakening the protagonist, Edna Pontellier, is a young woman married to a businessman, but she is dissatisfied with her marriage.   In her society this idea was considered unthinkable.   She wants to wants to retain her individuality, her artistry, and to be sexually fulfilled.   In her novel, she seeks an identity for women that is neither wife nor mother. To achieve this end, she incorporates progressive ideas of androgyny and female-female intimacy into her writing; yet ultimately the text, through characters who cannot escape essentialist and sentimental ideologies, demonstrates the failure of her attempt. (McDonald)   In fact, the pressures of society of that era leads to the suicide of the protagonist.Kate Chopin dared to write about to pics that were groundbreaking for women in the late eighteen hundreds and early nineteen hundreds.   During this time women weren’t even capable of having enough knowledge to vote.   If a woman chose any path in life that did not include marriage, then she was seen as a failure.   In her writing, Chopin was groundbreaking in the area of feminism.   The questions that are raised by the articles used for this essay, is where did she get the courage to tackle the topics that she did, and why didn’t more women join here in their craft?Works CitedFaust, Langdon Lynn. American Women Writers. New York: Inger. 1983.McDonald, Erin E.   â€Å"NECESSARILY VAGUE†: KATE CHOPIN'S GENDER-AWAKENING.24, May, 1999,, Robert. â€Å"Feminine Sexuality and Passion: Kate Chopin’s ‘The Storm.’† The Universityof British Columbia, October 22, 1992. htm.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Assignment 3 Essay

In the rapidly evolving global marketplace in which outsourcing is ubiquitous, organizations need to be vigilant in their management of risk. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a growing paradigm in which business leaders seek to effectively identify, mitigate, and manage risks across all aspects of the business as a whole. The ERM model classifies business risk into seven distinct, but inter-related categories: 1) strategic market risks, 2) operating risks, 3) finance risks, 4) human capital risks, 5) Information Technology (IT) risks, 6) legal risks, and 7) reputation risks. (Beasley, Bradford, and Pagach, 2004) A proposed outsourcing of any business process needs to carefully evaluate how the proposed change may create, increase, or reduce risks in each of these business areas. This paper will examine a proposed change from a legacy payroll system to an outsourced solution and evaluate the costs, benefits, and risks of the proposed change. Additionally, it will suggest how to effectively manage such a transition. COSTS AND BENEFITS When considering the costs versus benefits of a business decision, both costs and benefits can be categorized as either direct or indirect. Direct costs refers to those activities that require a quantifiable and foreseeable outlay of the organization’s assets. Indirect costs, however, refer to potential costs that may arise. Direct benefits refers to those activities that either increase revenue or reduce cost. As with direct costs, direct benefits can be easily quantified. Likewise, indirect benefits are more difficult to foresee and quantify. Following is a cost-benefits analysis matrix representative of the proposed payroll outsourcing project. Direct Indirect Benefits Revenue Enhancements Cost Reductions Reduction in man-hours Increased efficiency Avoidance of noncompliance fines and penalties Costs Implementation costs Vendor fees Service agreement fees Disruption to payroll activity during transition ENTERPRISE RISK MAMAGEMENT Using the ERM model as a guide, we can identify risks associated with the proposed transition across multiple business areas. Outsourcing the organization payroll functions has the potential to expose it to finance, human capital, and legal risks. A single vendor mistake, such as miscalculation of tax deductions has the potential for an exponentially negative effect on the organization’s bottom line, the morale, and potential loss of, the employee workforce, and legal compliance with local, state and federal regulations. Tim Stuhldreher stresses that extreme care must be given when choosing a payroll vendor. (Stuhldreher, 2012) Not only should potential vendors be thoroughly researched and vetted, a continuous process evaluation should be put into force to identify, limit, and guard against unintended risk. PROJECT MANAGEMENT There are many tools which project managers have at their disposal to ensure that a project stays on schedule, within budget, and within scope as well as produces intended outcomes. Common among these management tools are the Gantt chart, the performance evaluation and review technique (or PERT), and the critical path method (or CPM). Each of these scheduling and management techniques has a unique focus as well as certain limitations. A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart which identifies the tasks which are to be completed within the project and provides a timeline for their completion. A Gantt chart for the proposed payroll outsourcing project would have as it individual tasks formation of a vendor selection committee, selection of a payroll vendor, development of a data transfer protocol, system testing, and personnel training, and establishing a go live date. These individual milestones provide the parameters of the project’s scope, and the Gantt chart develops a schedule for completion of these milestones. One significant advantage of a Gantt chart is its simplicity. By providing a graphical representation of the tasks and timelines, management can easily understand, and gauge, the scheduling and completion rate of the project. A Gantt chart, however, is limited in that its primary focus is the project’s scheduling, and it is inflexible to developing changes that may evolve during the project. Also, while it does identify the tasks that are milestones within the project, it does not illustrate any interdependencies among those tasks. The PERT technique attempts to deal with the uncertainties to which Gantt charts are inflexible, and allowing for uncertainty is the major advantage of PERT. (Davis, 1966) PERT also identifies dependencies among project tasks, thus provide for a more efficient estimation of project completion time. PERT relies on multiple estimates to factor in scheduling variations due to uncertainty. In doing so, the thing that makes it advantageous over Gantt charts also is the cause for its disadvantage. PERT charts are significantly more complex than Gantt charts so managers may have difficulty interpreting and understanding them in the context of the entire project. The critical path method (CPM) also illustrates dependencies within project activities, but CPM seeks to identify the significance of the activities and their inter-relatedness. CPM seeks to compress completion time and mitigate risks inherent in the relation of tasks to each other. In addition to the advantage of showing dependencies, CPM more clearly illustrates the impacts of scheduling revisions. As with PERT, though, the added level of detail also presents disadvantages. The larger the project, and the more tasks, the more convoluted CPM becomes with dependency paths. CPM is also a bit myopic – it has a narrow focus on the dependency paths within the project, and it does not address resource allocation. The aforementioned project management tools all are useful for managing the scheduling and duration of a project. Project managers must also evaluate whether the project is delivering the intended outcome. Such evaluation should not only occur at the terminal end of a project, it should be a continued process throughout the life of the project. (Zofi, 2012) Additionally, employee morale and perception needs to be taken into consideration when implementing a change. This is especially true when it comes to outsourcing business functions. Elmuti, Grunewald, and Abebe observed that, consequent to outsourcing strategies, employees report lower levels of job satisfaction, lower levels of organizational commitment, and higher intentions to quit. (Elmuti, Grunewald, and Abebe, 2010) It is human, and organizational, nature to resist and be skeptical of change, particularly when a major business function that had previous been done in-house is outsourced. A proactive project management plan will anticipate and address employee resistance. Organizations considering an outsourcing strategy would be well served to openly and actively communicate with their employees the reasons for, and impact of the potential change while welcoming and encouraging questions and feedback from them. The more the employee base can be involved in affecting, and buy into change, the less their resistance may be. References Beasley, Mark, Bradford, Marianne, and Pagach, Don â€Å"Outsourcing? At Your Own Risk† Strategic Finance (July 2004), pp. 23-29 Davis, P. M. â€Å"From Scientific Management to Pert-An Evolution† Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business (1966), pp. 34-45 Elmuti, Dean, Grunewald, Julian, and Abebe, Dereje â€Å"Consequences of Outsourcing Strategies on Employee Quality of Work Life, Attitudes, and Performance† Journal of Business Strategies vol. 27, no. 2 (2010), pp. 178-203 Stuhldreher, Tim â€Å"Payroll complexity leads to outsourcing† Central Penn Business Journal (June 22, 2012), pp. 17-18 Zofi, Yael â€Å"Getting Deliverables Out the Door† Industrial Engineer (July 2012), pp. 35-40

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Us Issue

It has been said that the post-Cold War scenario poses several challenges to the United States with the emergence of various threats to American National Security. Also since the end of the Cold War, a fourth category of countries has appeared on the international stage, in addition to the industrialized and developing countries and those in transition. It comprises countries at war or emerging from conflict in which the state has been foundering in human rights violations like genocide and intercommunal massacres. In addition, there now exist various countries that have been swayed or coerced to patronize religious fanaticism. It is important to recognize the existence of these countries because the threat that they pose has become more relentless in the post-Cold War world. Arguably one of the most devastating national security threats that they pose is that of the aid that they provide to encourage the proliferation of chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile technology. Another complication to this dilemma is that the control of such weapons is in the hands of terrorist organizations that are not based in any specific state, capable of transferring their resources to various locations through a complex terrorist network throughout the globe. I believe that the aforementioned threat is the most important and possibly devastating threat to the United States in the post-Cold War Era, since most of the old threats that once put on the line American national security has been diminished or at least radically decreased. The threat from conventional Russian military forces has all but disintegrated and would take many years to reinstate. China with its vast geographical area and enormous supply of human resources should only be vigilantly observed but not considered as a major threat as of the moment. It would take at least 20 up to 30 years to transform its bloated and obsolete military into a major threat to U.S. vital interests.... Free Essays on Us Issue Free Essays on Us Issue It has been said that the post-Cold War scenario poses several challenges to the United States with the emergence of various threats to American National Security. Also since the end of the Cold War, a fourth category of countries has appeared on the international stage, in addition to the industrialized and developing countries and those in transition. It comprises countries at war or emerging from conflict in which the state has been foundering in human rights violations like genocide and intercommunal massacres. In addition, there now exist various countries that have been swayed or coerced to patronize religious fanaticism. It is important to recognize the existence of these countries because the threat that they pose has become more relentless in the post-Cold War world. Arguably one of the most devastating national security threats that they pose is that of the aid that they provide to encourage the proliferation of chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile technology. Another complication to this dilemma is that the control of such weapons is in the hands of terrorist organizations that are not based in any specific state, capable of transferring their resources to various locations through a complex terrorist network throughout the globe. I believe that the aforementioned threat is the most important and possibly devastating threat to the United States in the post-Cold War Era, since most of the old threats that once put on the line American national security has been diminished or at least radically decreased. The threat from conventional Russian military forces has all but disintegrated and would take many years to reinstate. China with its vast geographical area and enormous supply of human resources should only be vigilantly observed but not considered as a major threat as of the moment. It would take at least 20 up to 30 years to transform its bloated and obsolete military into a major threat to U.S. vital interests....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Teachers Do Beyond the Classroom Is Critical

What Teachers Do Beyond the Classroom Is Critical Many people believe that teachers have an easy job in part because they have the summers off and multiple days off for several holidays.   The truth is that teachers spend almost as much time working when students are gone as they do when students are in class.   Teaching is more than 8-3 job. Good teachers stay at school late into the evening, continue to work once they get home, and spend hours on the weekend preparing for the upcoming week.   Teachers often do amazing things beyond the classroom when no one is looking. Teaching is not a static job where you leave everything at the door and pick it back up the next morning.   Instead, teaching follows you wherever you go. It is a continuous mindset and state of mind that is rarely turned off. Teachers are always thinking about their students. Helping them learn and grow consumes us. It causes us to lose sleep sometimes, stresses us at others, yet provides us joy constantly.   What teachers truly do is not completely understood by those outside of the profession. Here we examine twenty critical things that teachers do once their students are gone that makes a significant impact.   This list only offers some insight into what teachers do once their students leave and is not comprehensive. Actively Participate on a Committee Most teachers set on various decision-making committees throughout the school year. For example, there are committees in which teachers help formulate a budget, adopt new textbooks, craft new policies, and hire new teachers or principals.   Sitting on these committees can require a lot of extra time and effort, but give the teachers a voice in what is happening within their school. Attend Professional Development or Faculty Meeting Professional development is an essential component of teacher growth and improvement. It provides teachers with new skills they can take back to their classroom.   Faculty meetings are another requirement held several times throughout the year to allow collaboration, present new information, or simply to keep teachers up-to-date. Breaking Down Curriculum and Standards Curriculum and standards come and go. They are cycled through every few years.   This ever revolving door requires teachers to break down the new curriculum and standards they are required to teach constantly. This is a tedious, yet necessary process in which many teachers dedicate hours to conducting. Clean Up and Organize Our Classrooms A teacher’s classroom is their second home, and most teachers want to make it comfortable for themselves and their students. They spend countless hours cleaning, organizing, and decorating their classrooms. Collaborate with Other Educators Building relationships with other educators are essential. Teachers spend a lot of time exchanging ideas and interacting with one another.   They understand what each other are going through and bring a different perspective that can help solve even the most difficult of situations. Contact Parents Teachers call email and message parents of their students continuously.   They keep them up-to-date on their progress, discuss concerns, and sometimes they just call to build rapport.   Additionally, they meet face-to-face with parents at scheduled conferences or whenever a need arises. Extrapolate, Examine, and Utilize Data to Drive Instruction Data drives modern education. Teachers recognize the value of data. When they assess their students, they study the data, looking for patterns, along with individual strengths and weaknesses. They tailor lessons to meet the needs of their students based on this data. Grade Papers/Record Grades Grading papers is time-consuming and tedious. Though it is necessary, it is one of the most boring parts of the job.   Once everything has been graded, then they must be recorded in their gradebook.   Thankfully technology has advanced where this part is much easier than it once was. Lesson Planning Lesson planning is an essential part of a teacher’s job.   Designing a week’s worth of great lessons can be challenging.   Teachers must examine their state and district standards, study their curriculum, plan for differentiation, and maximize the time they have with their students. Look for New Ideas on Social Media or Teacher Websites The Internet has become a focal point for teachers. It is a valuable resource and tool full with new and exciting ideas. Social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter also allows a different platform for teacher collaboration. Maintain a Mind of Improvement Teachers must have a growth mindset for themselves and their students. They must always be searching for the next great thing. Teachers must not become complacent. Instead, they must maintain a mind of improvement constantly studying and looking for ways to improve. Make Copies Teachers can spend what seems like an eternity at the copy machine.   Copy machines are a necessary evil that becomes even more frustrating when there is a paper jam. Teachers print all sorts of things such as learning activities, parent information letters, or monthly newsletters. Organize and Oversee School Fundraisers Many teachers conduct fundraisers to fund things such as equipment for their classrooms, a new playground, field trips, or new technology.   It can be a taxing endeavor to count and receipt all of the money, tally and submit the order, and then distribute all of the merchandise when it comes in. Plan for Differentiation Every student is different. They come with their own unique personalities and needs. Teachers must continuously think about their students, and how they can help each one. It takes a lot of time and effort to accurately tailor their lessons to accommodate each student’s strengths and weaknesses. Review Instructional Strategies Instructional strategies are a critical component of effective teaching.   New instructional strategies are being developed all the time.   Teachers must familiarize themselves with a wide variety of strategies to meet each of their student’s needs. Strategies that work well for one student or class may not necessarily work for another. Shop for Classroom Activities and/or Student Needs Many teachers invest hundreds to thousands of dollars out of their own pocket for materials and supplies for their classroom every year.   They also purchase materials such as clothing, shoes, and food for needy students.   Naturally, it takes time to go to the store and grab these items. Study New Educational Trends and Research Education is trendy. What is popular today, likely will not be popular tomorrow. Likewise, there is always new education research that can be applied to any classroom. Teachers are always studying, reading, and researching because they do not want to miss an opportunity to improve themselves or their students. Support Extra-Curricular Activities Many teachers double as coaches or sponsors of extra-curricular activities. Even if they do not draw an extra-duty assignment, it is likely that you will see several teachers in the audience at events. They are there to support and cheer on their students. Volunteer for Extra-Duty Assignments There are always opportunities for teachers to assist in other areas around the school. Many teachers volunteer their time to tutor struggling students. They keep gate or concession at athletic events. They pick up trash on the playground. They are willing to help out in any area of need. Work Another Job As you can see from the list above, a teacher’s life is already very busy, yet many work a second job. This is often out of necessity. Many teachers simply do not make enough money to support their family.   Working a second job cannot help but impact a teacher’s overall effectiveness.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Brainstorming Sources Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brainstorming Sources - Research Paper Example The opposing side of this debate has indicated that in a past research carried out by the University of Michigan proved that if the government wanted to reduce the consumption of alcohol, they should increase the age limit. This reduced the consumption of alcohol amongst the seniors by 13.3% (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman and Schulenberg, 2011). They also noted that there was a drop of 58% of alcohol related to motor accidents, this information is from secondary data from books, and handwritten manuscripts. It is to their argument that reducing the age will increase the consumption of alcohol and make the youth addicts at a very young age. The proposers argue that reducing the legal drinking age will allow the youths to learn to drink responsibly. On the other hand, the opposing side claims that reducing the age will lead to the youths suffering from alcohol related diseases. The argument is based on the youth’s irresponsible behaviors. This report will mainly affect the government, parents, and the youths at hand. Johnston LD, O’Malley PM, Bachman JG and Schulenberg JE. Monitoring the Future national results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Fortune 500 CEO of Boeing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fortune 500 CEO of Boeing - Term Paper Example As stated in the ‘executive biographies’, The honors and recognition he received include John W. Dixon Award (2011) from the Association of the U.S. Army, Turning Point Award (2012) from the U.S. Army War College Foundation, Semper Fidelis Award (2012) from the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, and National Management Association's Executive of the Year (2008). McNerney has been a big success as a strategic leader throughout his extensive career. The key aspect of his strategic leadership is the emphasis he gives to the growth of others. Unlike many other entrepreneurs, Jim gives more importance to his crew than the company’s strategy or product. He disclosed this strategy to Fortune's Geoffrey Colvin; â€Å"I start with people's growth because I believe that if the people who are running and participating in a company grow, then the company's growth will in many respects take care of itself† (Colvin). Another unique quality of this strategic leader is t hat he seldom fears change but enjoys it. Admittedly, in the current global market, the Boeing Company has numerous potential opportunities. ... This situation offers potential opportunities to the Boeing Company and its leader. The firm has a strong global network and it assists the company to spread its elements of risk. This strength also benefits McNerney to easily raise adequate resources whenever necessary. An efficient research and development department would be helpful for the organization to vie with its market rivals. Similarly, the Boeing Company and its leader face some potential challenges too. Firstly, the increasing price of titanium and aluminum is likely to threaten the market position of the organization. Referring to the law of demand, the demand for Boeing aircrafts may decline if their price increases. Hence, the company may struggle to maintain its market dominance. In addition, intense competition in the industry also affects the competitiveness of the firm. The growing competition can be a tough test for McNerney’s leadership and a major challenge to the company’s future. The company has been increasingly depending on the US government contracts. This over reliance might adversely affect the firm’s viability if the federal government terminated the contracts with the Boeing Company for some reasons. Finally, the US government has recently introduced some strict regulations on the purchase of military equipments. This change also may affect the business operations of the Boeing Company. Some major steps taken by McNerney at 3M include changes in research and development activities. Those steps gave specific focus to customer orientation. Since then the company has been focusing more on the growing Chinese market. Some changes, including strict financial control were termed